
The Birth of Remy

They say that a mom's intuition is normally right and on June 14th I knew that the next day I was going to go into labor with Remy and that she would be born on her due date, June 16th. There was nothing physically different with my body, but as Dan left for work that night I told him what my gut feeling was and that I would keep him updated. I went to bed around 11pm that night.  The previous few nights were really difficult as I couldn’t find any comfortable position and between the reflux and frequent trips to the bathroom I wasn’t surprised when I was up at least every 30 minutes between 11-3am. At 3:30am I texted Dan that I wasn’t sleeping and that I felt like things were changing in my body.  I had lost a lot of mucus, a little blood, and was having persistent back pain.  I felt like this was the start but felt silly having him come home early and have it be nothing but we made the decision for him to come home so he could get some sleep in case it progressed into something m